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The future of investing

The Portfolio Platform (TPP)

The Portfolio Platform (TPP) is a fintech company that provides a software platform for some of the world's best traders and investment houses to showcase their trading strategies.


TPP are aiming to change how investors invest. We have used our 'autotrade' technology to enable investors from all over the world to link their portfolios to any of the professional traders on the platform.


TPP is revolutionising retail investment. You can now link to some of the world's best traders and make the same returns that they do. In 2020, the average strategy returned 58.8%.

More on TPP

'TPP might just be about to revolutionise investment for the retail market'


(London Stock Exchange, 2020).


'Meet the men who are changing how the world invests'


(Market Watch, 2020).


To read all of the press coverage received since the launch of TPP, as well as a plethora of client testimonials visit the TPP website at:



The Portfolio Consultancy' is a trading name of 'The UK Portfolio Consultancy Ltd' a company registered in England and Wales. Company registration number 12327831

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